Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome, to me....

Yes, I am welcoming myself to blogging.  I have read many blogs over the years and have always wanted to write one.  I believe that my theme will be a help to many.  I have always had an interest in simple nutrition and the importance of being responsible for my own health.  Of course, I do not claim to know everything, not even close!  There is so much to learn, and so much to discover.  I'm thankful to be living in an age when we have so much information literally at our fingertips!  I grew up in a pastor's home and had constant exposure to missions and missionaries. Over the years, the same scenario has been repeated in the lives of many missionaries, that of having to leave the field because of health reasons.  I believe that this is an area of our lives that Satan wants to attack, and he knows our weaknesses, especially foods!!  I am hoping to have a source for missionaries to glean from to find simple cures, helps and suggestions for common problems that they face on a daily basis.  It is easy to keep the American mentality of running to the doctor everytime there is a problem, taking medications that just cover up the symptoms, and then hoping the problem goes away.  Now, for a disclaimer, I am not a vegan or vegetarian, nor do I eat all organic foods and grass fed beef or free-range chickens.  I know that these are best, but I can't afford them!  So, I just want to do my best with what has been given to me and use the knowledge I have and the experience of myself and others to help out with simple cures, preventative helps and easy ways to keep you and your family healthy!  Welcome to you, too!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting that you've started blogging! :) Look forward to what you'll be posting!
