Friday, October 25, 2013

In Case of Zombie Apocalypse........or Obamacare.

     In light of information that is rampant on the internet and social media sights, one could be rather anxious about the future in light of healthcare regulations that are looming on the horizon.  The rumors ( whether true or false, time will tell) that are being brought to light about the Obamacare regulations can be pretty upsetting! It seems like freedom has become more of a dream as we see our rights being regulated more and more every day.  If one were to fully comprehend the future in light of the coming healthcare regime, one could only look ahead with fear and trepidation.

     We are seeing more and more limitations placed on what were traditionally cures for simple health problems.  Many natural remedies have been deemed deadly because of accidents or misguided diagnoses.  I believe that the healthcare program will lead to less and less freedom of personal health.  Our bodies will be the property of the state, and we will be required to "care" for them as we are told.  Natural therapies and remedies will be banned.  Scare tactics (such as more and more cases of people dying from using alternative therapies) will be used to ward off those who are not informed about such remedies.  There will no longer be good vitamin supplements available, there will be regulations and limitations on herbs and healing oils, or there will be very limited supplies (just like what happened with ammunition!).

     What can one do?  Is the future hopeless?  I was recently discussing this very topic with a friend. We agreed that the future is a bit scary, but there is always hope!  "The prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself.........." Proverbs 27:12.  We are seeing the warnings all around us.  It's time to prepare!

Learn:  Educate yourself!  I have dedicated several of my last blogs on the topics of foods that heal.  There are simple items in your kitchen that can heal many illnesses.  Read. Buy books. Get informed!  Be ready for the day that you can no longer get antibiotics or medications. Understand what foods can heal and be knowledgeable about these things. Do you know how powerful a simple bulb of garlic can be?  Did you know that you can heal infections with salt?  There are so many resources available to us in this day and age and we need to learn all we can!

Prepare: Stock up on herbs that you regularly use, or better yet, plant them in your garden.  Learn now to use natural remedies for common maladies instead of turning to modern medicine for the cures.  Don't wait until you are on a 3 month waiting list to see a doctor.  

     I will continue to write about foods that heal.  You would be amazed to see what simple things can be used to heal!  Until then, read and investigate.  Your health may depend on it!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Foods that Heal: Bone Broth

     Ahh, that steamy bowl full of good health.  I have been reading lately about the benefits of real broth and the ways that it can improve the function of  the body.  Hardly anyone makes real broth any more. We have been tricked into thinking that the bones and fat are not good for you, and that  convenience foods are healthy.  Years ago, when an animal was butchered for meat, people would use every single part of the animal's body.  Not a single part was wasted.  I was recently reading "Little House on the Prairie" to my children. We read a chapter about the entire Ingalls  family coming down with what was known as "fever -n- ague", now believed to be a mosquito borne illness.  Laura remembers waking up while sick to see a neighbor lady tending the family, and the only thing they ate was broth.  Now, this wasn't the canned stuff that is sold at the store.  This was real, honest to goodness, bone broth.  In this book, the family's main fare consisted of prairie chicken and rabbit, so it was most likely made from one of those.  They roasted the animal, ate the meat, used the feathers or fur, and made broth from the bones and feet.   The family recovered from the illness, and I'm sure, the broth contributed to their health!
     Knowing the difference between the canned version of broth and the real McCoy is very important.  If you were to pick up a can of "broth" at the store you would find ingredients like mono sodium glutamate and chemicals that are added that are more harmful than good. They also remove the most important ingredient: fat.  Most broths on the shelf tout "Fat Free" on the label, but we have discussed before the importance of good fat in your diet!  You need a balance of good things to keep you healthy, and real bone broth contains these important ingredients.
     Real bone broth is very easy to make and very inexpensive, almost free!  Some of the most healthful recipes use only the scraps of things that you would normally throw away after a meal.  For instance, after serving your family a roasted chicken or roast beef, save the fat, bones and leftovers, throw them into your crock pot, cover with water and a splash of vinegar and leave on low for several hours or up to 2-3 days.  You may have to add more water in the process, but the result will be a mineral rich broth that you can use by itself or add to soups and other recipes. As you make it more and more, you may find other vegetable scraps that may add flavors that you like.  Eating some of this nutritious liquid every day can fend off many illnesses and heal many problems.
     Let's explore some of the benefits and ailments that can be healed by consuming bone broth on a regular basis:

- bone broth contains gelatin, a colloidal substance that attracts digestive juices to itself and prevents gastrointestinal bugs from attaching themselves to the intestine and causing damage.  If you make bone broth, you will notice that, when refrigerated, it solidifies and turns to a gelatin-like substance.

 -bone broth contains minerals such as calcium, silicon, sulphur, magnesium and trace minerals that are in a form that is easily assimilated into your system.  During the cooking process, the vinegar helps to draw out the minerals from the bones, and these minerals are essential to proper human nutrition

-gelatin can also detoxify the blood.  Bone marrow is where the blood cells are produced, and drawing out the nutrient rich marrow can help increase red blood cell and hemoglobin counts and help to increase the absorption of calcium

-broth also contains Chondroitin Sulfate, which is used as a supplement for joint pain. It lines the blood vessels and plays a role in lowering cholesterol and heart attacks

-bone broth also keeps you looking young.  It contains a key ingredient for healthy skin.  This ingredient is the backbone for helping your body produce collagen and therefore improves the smoothness of skin.  Why pay mega bucks for collagen in a cream, when you can make your own for almost nothing?

   There are so many other benefits of bone broth, there is no doubt in my mind that it is one food item that should be consumed in some way every day, whether alone in a mug first thing in the morning, or as the basis for a  delicious soup in a meal. I made my batch this week and am going to keep it up to improve the health of our family.
     The best recipes for bone broth include vinegar (apple cider), because it helps to draw the nutrition from the bones.  I have found it difficult to break the bones before adding them to the crock pot.  I have read that you can use the same bones over and over again until they dissolve completely!  It may help to ask at your local butcher shop for some soup bones.  They would be very inexpensive and already cut up to expose the nutrient rich marrow. I have also read that chicken feet are a very healthy part to use to make bone broth.  Interesting. 
     I have not included any recipes for bone broth in this post.  You can google the topic and find many different and delicious recipes or just experiment with your own. All in all, bone broth can benefit anyone and bring healing to many ailment. Try it for a time and see, you may be amazed at how simply and inexpensively you can heal!


Friday, April 5, 2013

Foods that heal: Avocado

     On my journey into new areas of health and healing,  I have found a new favorite food.  I had very seldom eaten avocado in the past.  Occasionally I would have some in a dip or guacamole, but I never considered it health food.  With my new diet that I have been on, I have been encouraged to eat avocado.  So, let's explore the benefits of this fine food!
     At one time, doctors discouraged the consumption of avocados due to their extremely high calorie content. An average avocado contains over 730 calories and packs a huge dose of fat, at 30 grams per serving.  What we are beginning to understand is that these kinds of calories and fat are good for you and your brain!  Remember, your brain is made up of fatty tissue and needs fat to keep it healthy.   Many health conscious  moms are now using avocado regularly in their infants diets because of the super healthy nutrition found in them.
     The fat content in avocados actually helps your body function in a more efficient way. Those who suffer from diabetes related illnesses often  tend to develop high levels of triglycerides, a type of blood fat that may contribute to heart disease.  When you replace bad carbohydrates with good fats, especially those found in avocado, the dangerous fats in your bloodstream tend to decline. Also, the oleic acid found in this fruit  helps to control many of the symptoms of diabetes. In addition, the oleic acid can also help your body get rid of excess cholesterol!
     Avocados are high in potassium, which is great for helping those who suffer from high blood pressure. In fact, one serving of avocado contains about 15% more potassium than a banana!
     One of the tricks in dealing with avocados is determining when they are ripe. When you find them at the grocery store, choose ones that feel very firm, almost hard.  I bring them home and store them in the fridge.  I keep one on the counter until it feels soft underneath the tough, leathery skin.  Then I halve it, take out the pit and the skin peels off very easily. 
     Since I have been trying to include avocado in my diet, I have tried many different recipes to make it palatable, instead of just a chore to eat. I have made many recipes for guacamole and avocado dips, which were good, but who wants to eat dip all the time?  Well I happened upon a recipe for a healthy version of the shamrock shake--of all things!  And the main ingredient? Avocado, of course, to make it a beautiful shade of green, and fill it with all sorts of nutrition.  The added bonus: my kids love it!  I am so pleased to find a good way to use this amazing fruit.  Enjoy!

Healthy Shamrock Shake

Add to blender:
1 3/4 cups milk (I use non-pasteurized, fresh milk. You can also use almond, rice or coconut milk)
1 avocado, peeled and pitted
2 1/2 to 3 Tablespoons raw honey or maple syrup
1 cup ice cubes (I used about 8 cubes)
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon pure peppermint extract ( I used a few drops of peppermint oil)

Combine in blender until smooth. Enjoy!

Variations:  We tried it with orange oil instead of the peppermint.  The result tasted just like an orange dreamsicle (though green!).  I have also added berries or yogurt to make it more like a smoothie.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Tale of Two Women

  Woman #1:   Once upon a time there was a woman who came down with a serious Urinary Tract Infection.  As per her usual routine (instilled in her growing up years as a child), she made an appointment with the doctor. She had been through this before and usually responded well to antibiotics.   After a few tests and questions, it was determined by the doctor that she did have an infection and a prescription was given.  She returned home and began the prescribed medication.  The UTI began to clear up right away and the pain lessened.  What a relief she felt to feel better and be back to her normal routine.  After a few days, however, she began to notice that her heart was pounding in her ears when she would lie down at night.  Her hands and neck felt flushed and she was having trouble sleeping.  She made another appointment with her doctor and tests were run.  Her blood pressure seemed elevated, so she as given a common drug to take care of the blood pressure problem.  The medication seemed to help the problem, but she started to have anxiety attacks in the night and would wake up overly worried about small problems and would feel physically drained and not able to get back to sleep.  Other tests were run, other medications prescribed, other side effects revealed themselves.... and the original side effects never went away.  She had other plans for her future, but had to put them on hold due to her condition.

  Woman #2:  Once upon a time there was a woman who came down with  a serious Urinary Tract Infection.  She began to research and knew what needed to be done to stop the infection.  She eliminated sugar and white flour from her diet and added a juicing regimen and lots of garlic.  There were times that she thought she was getting better, but then the symptoms would flare up again.  She even fasted a day to try and stop the infection, but it had a strong hold on her and she just couldn't shake it.  So, reluctantly, she  made an appointment with her doctor.  The usual tests were run and the results were conclusive-- a very serious UTI had taken hold.  She had kept it at bay with the nutrition, but just needed a simple antibiotic to clear it up.  She was prescribed a very strong antibiotic and returned home to take it.  She stocked up on good yogurt to keep her store of intestinal flora intact as she knew that antibiotics can deplete that. After just taking 1 pill, she felt better, but the UTI symptoms had been so severe, she did not want them to return, so she finished the medication and thought that was the end of it.  A few days later, she began to notice that her head and hands were  pounding at night when she would lie down and at times she would awaken to feel an extremely fast heart rate.  Other symptoms began to emerge, and she started doing some research on the drug she had been prescribed.  She found hundreds of other patients who had shown the same (and much worse) side effects from taking this drug.  She asked her doctor about it and was told it was just "coincidence".  After 3 months, she contacted a nutritionist to seek help in getting her body's balance renewed, in  hopes that the symptoms would eventually go away.


     The first story described here is merely hypothetical, based on testimony after testimony that I have read about the side effects suffered by those who are prescribed Ciproflaxin or other medications that are similar ( Levaquin, and other quinolone drugs).  The second story is a true account of what happened to me.  My UTI was in September of 2012 and I am still suffering from the side effects. I am under the care of a nutritionist, but have not seen results as of yet.  If you know of anyone who has had these same problems, please email me at .  I write this only to warn you of the dangers of pharmaceuticals.  Please, read the side effects before taking any drug.  My pharmacy usually gives a print-out with each prescription and did not in this case.  I was in such pain,however, I don't know that I would have heeded.   I know that there are many who take Cipro on a regular basis and do not have these symptoms, but you don't know ahead of time who will be affected.  The company that produces this drug gives a list of questions for the patient to ask the doctor before taking this drug (shouldn't it be the other way around?).  There are many simple problems that could cause major health issues if Cipro is taken.  Please take this as a warning.
      So, the rubber meets the road: I have had to completely change my lifestyle for the time being.  From what I have read, the symptoms do not go away, so this may be a forever change.  I would appreciate your prayers and input. I will write again soon about the nutritionist that I contacted and the health changes that I have made in hopes of healing.  I am so thankful that I know the Great Physician and that He knows what can be done to heal this problem!

   Exodus 15:26 ".....for I am the LORD
that healeth thee."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Another Free E-book!


      I have joined the E-reader girl page on facebook and check out her suggestions everyday. My 11-year old has a kindle and we "share" it. *wink*  He has a file on his opening page that states "Mom" so I know which books are mine!
     I had to share this one as well.  I have been dabbling in the area of homemade cleaners and laundry detergents and thought this book would help out in that area.  Have you ever considered the danger that is contained in one bottle of toilet bowl or shower cleaner?  The potential for poison is ever present and what about those kiddos?  I often wondered about that when I would clean the shower, coughing the entire time because the chemicals being used were so strong and then later that day one of my little munchkins would take a bath and sometimes drink the water or put the washcloth in their mouth. Yuck!
     There is wisdom in using the old time cleaners and solvents that people used to use years ago.  Vinegar is a great anti-bacterial cleaner.  Did you know that they used to use Eucalyptus oil in hospitals to kill the germs in the air?  I'll take the scent of Eucalyptus over Lysol any day!
     So, follow the link below and learn with me about homemade cleaners to help make your home healthier!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Free E-book!

     Heads-up, health conscious friends!  I just found a free e-book that you may be interested in.  I included a link at the end of this post for you to take advantage of the great offer.  Now, I have not read the book, but it sounds interesting and may have some good advice. It sounds like it is based on old home remedies that the author's grandmother used to use.  There is wisdom in the old time remedies!!  Just remember to take everything you read with a grain of salt (pink salt, of course!) and rely on your instincts and past knowledge of health information. If something sounds legitimate, you may want to research it further online before adding it to your healthy medicine cabinet.  Happy reading!