Monday, January 2, 2012


     I have been dealing with a common childhood illness the past few weeks. (well, what used to be a common illness).  My kids have had the chicken pox.  We purposefully exposed them when some friends of ours had them about a month ago.  The kids were pretty miserable for a few days, though I kept my promise to let them watch movies all day. That really helped keep their minds off of the itching and discomfort. I'm not sure they would have chosen a shot over the illness!  Their cheerful spirits have returned and they are starting to scab over, so we are on the mend!     This whole process has made me review my beliefs about vaccines and the reasons I choose not to participate.  So, as a result, I did  a little research on not only the varicella vaccine, but on some of the others as well.

Reasons Why I Avoid Vaccinations

     1. Side Effects:  Have you ever read the lists of side effects that are given in the information that is included when you have your child vaccinated?  Of course, they are to assure you that these only happen in a very few children and they leave out the really dangerous ones.  Well, the US government has paid out more than $1.5 billion in its Vaccine Injury Compensation.  I'm pretty sure all that isn't for fevers and convulsions. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is to help families of children who have been permanently injured or killed by a vaccine. Health officials consider a vaccine to be "safe" if there are no immediate reactions.  There are NO long term tests done on vaccine side effects. So, basically, your child is the guinea pig.  We have all heard about the supposed link between autism and vaccines.  Isn't it interesting that before vaccines were nationwide, the rate of autism in children was 1 in 10,000 and now it is 1 in every 50!!!  Pharmacists have spoken out that since the introduction of the varicella vaccine, the cases of shingles in young children have shot up.  Shingles used to be an adult problem but has now become quite common in children.  I'd rather have chicken pox than shingles any day!  I could go on and on about food allergies, ADHD, neurological problems, social problems, and even crib death that often can be linked to vaccines.
     2. Vaccine Ingredients:  I think you would be shocked to know what is contained in the vaccines that are being injected into children as young as 3 days old.  Here are some of the ones that many people already know about:   formaldehyde, fluid from calf skins, chick embryonic fluid (which must be egg white??), monkey kidney cells, aluminum, and mercury.  The one that really disgusts me is this: human cells, human albumen and human diploid cells.  These human elements are not taken from dead people.  These are specifically listed as taken from aborted fetal tissue.  Yes, your children are being injected with aborted babies. Many people think that the abortion issue is just a moral issue. Why do you think that abortion is such a big deal?  It is because it is a huge money making industry.  The babies that are aborted are sold to vaccine companies and used to make vaccines. The very thought of that just makes me cringe. "The love of money is the root of all evil." --even abortion.

     3. My health is my responsibility, not the governments. We live in an age where everyone wants to blame their problems on someone else.  Many turn to others to take care of their basic needs and think that it is the governments responsibility to take care of them. including their health.  When one gets a sniffle, stomach ache or headache, we run to the emergency room to get immediate relief, in whatever form that may be. So, when the doctor tells us to do something, we do it without question.  If one is told that they need to have a vaccine, they get it. 
      4. Just plain common sense... Did you know that the hepatitis vaccine is given to newborns before they leave the hospital?  Did you know that this particular strain of hepatitis is a sexually transmitted disease?? Did you know that it is so concentrated it is like giving 30 shots to an adult??? So, why are we almost forced to inject a baby with huge amounts of aluminum???  I am just as baffled as you are, yet if you refuse the vaccine, they send a counsellor to your bedside to almost twist your arm into getting your child vaccinated.  I am teaching my children to live a morally pure life.  If they get this disease, it is their own fault! I can remember when the vaccine called "gardasil" first came out.  (This is the one for girls ages 9-26 to guard against HPV--also a sexually transmitted disease.)  The first ads in magazine gave pages and pages of information about this disease, including some interesting facts that were obscured in all the lingo. "Eating fruits and vegetables can lower your risk of hpv." What? You mean I could eat better and avoid this problem (besides practicing abstinence, also never mentioned!)?  I found a quote that so appropriately sums this all up: "The best vaccine against common infectious disease is an adequate diet." so perfectly stated by the World Health Organization. 
     I know that this is a very hotly debated topic with many other issues not mentioned above.  Please, if you do vaccinate, don't take this as an accusation or ridicule.  Just, please, be informed.  Don't stop reading.  Make informed decisions. Be aware of the dangers that are out there.  Be prepared for pressure from doctors and nurses and health departments.  Be willing to sign a "religious waiver", even if your reasons for refusing aren't entirely religious.  For more information, I recommend that you "like" Dr. Tenpenny on facebook.  She posts many interesting articles on this very subject.  Do some research of your own. There are many in the health care profession who also refuse to vaccine.  There are also companies that are offering non-abortive vaccines if you feel you must vaccine.  Again, be informed,  be prepared, and keep healthy!

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