I read something interesting this week that was quite a revelation. In every instance in the Bible where Satan came to personally tempt someone, he used FOOD to tempt them. In the Garden of Eden, he tempted Eve with the fruit. In Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, he tempted with bread. How interesting that our appetites are one of our most vulnerable areas of life. Satan knows how to stop your ministry!! How many missionaries do you know that have had to leave the field because of health issues that could be simply prevented by following a limited, healthy diet?? Yet, we continue to fill ourselves with sugar. When visiting missionaries, we fill a suitcase with their favorite junk food. We stock up on pharmaceuticals, ignoring the plethora of side effects from the chemicals. God, our Creator, knows best how our bodies operate. He has provided ways to heal through the things He created in this world. Yet, doctors have become our gods. We take their word, their prescriptions, their advice before ever consulting the One Who created us. We are reaping what we have sown. Cancer, diabetes and obesity are taking over. We are filling our bodies with preservatives, drugs and chemicals with no thought for the consequences.
I have been amazed to see the ways that God has provided full nutrition in areas of the world where you would think that some certain nutrients are lacking. For instance, I have friends who are missionaries in the Baffin islands, way up near the north pole. Nothing green grows there. You can't get fresh, green leafy vegetables. There are times of the year where they never see the sun. Yet, they eat large amounts of fish-- chock full of the vital vitamins A and D and healthy fats!! They also harvest wild blueberries that grow on the frozen tundra. Super nutrition!! I would encourage people living in foreign countries to adopt the local diet. Limit processed foods and sugar. Eat whatever grows naturally there. Get sunshine often. Ask the locals what they use for healing common maladies. I just read recently about Dengue fever. The one thing that greatly helps to relieve the symptoms and helps the healing process is papaya fruit and leaves. Isn't it interesting that the countries where Dengue fever is prevalent are places where papaya grows in abundance?? Is it any wonder that cancer is very uncommon and almost non-existent in 3rd world countries? Have you ever noticed that tribal people have beautiful white teeth, even though they've never even seen a toothbrush?? Just something to think about.............