In light of information that is rampant on the internet and social media sights, one could be rather anxious about the future in light of healthcare regulations that are looming on the horizon. The rumors ( whether true or false, time will tell) that are being brought to light about the Obamacare regulations can be pretty upsetting! It seems like freedom has become more of a dream as we see our rights being regulated more and more every day. If one were to fully comprehend the future in light of the coming healthcare regime, one could only look ahead with fear and trepidation.
We are seeing more and more limitations placed on what were traditionally cures for simple health problems. Many natural remedies have been deemed deadly because of accidents or misguided diagnoses. I believe that the healthcare program will lead to less and less freedom of personal health. Our bodies will be the property of the state, and we will be required to "care" for them as we are told. Natural therapies and remedies will be banned. Scare tactics (such as more and more cases of people dying from using alternative therapies) will be used to ward off those who are not informed about such remedies. There will no longer be good vitamin supplements available, there will be regulations and limitations on herbs and healing oils, or there will be very limited supplies (just like what happened with ammunition!).
What can one do? Is the future hopeless? I was recently discussing this very topic with a friend. We agreed that the future is a bit scary, but there is always hope! "The prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself.........." Proverbs 27:12. We are seeing the warnings all around us. It's time to prepare!
Learn: Educate yourself! I have dedicated several of my last blogs on the topics of foods that heal. There are simple items in your kitchen that can heal many illnesses. Read. Buy books. Get informed! Be ready for the day that you can no longer get antibiotics or medications. Understand what foods can heal and be knowledgeable about these things. Do you know how powerful a simple bulb of garlic can be? Did you know that you can heal infections with salt? There are so many resources available to us in this day and age and we need to learn all we can!
Prepare: Stock up on herbs that you regularly use, or better yet, plant them in your garden. Learn now to use natural remedies for common maladies instead of turning to modern medicine for the cures. Don't wait until you are on a 3 month waiting list to see a doctor.
I will continue to write about foods that heal. You would be amazed to see what simple things can be used to heal! Until then, read and investigate. Your health may depend on it!