Friday, April 13, 2012

Foods that Heal: Apples

     In continuing our "Foods that Heal" series, I have been studying up on the benefits of apples.  My mom always said "Apples are the most portable nutrition", and they are.  They are wrapped up in the perfect convenient packaging, easily carried with you to eat and toss the core.  Let's look at some of the benefits of this super food.

     Of course, the old adage is "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", and it is so true, but what else does an apple a day keep away?

*keeps the orthodontist away-- I had the worst crooked teeth as a young girl.  I remember a huge gap between my two front teeth, due to the fact that one of them came in completely sideways.  I carried a lunch to school every day, faithfully packed by my mom every morning, and every single day there was an apple in there.  Mom always checked up on us each evening to make sure we ate all of our lunch.  I honestly believe that eating raw, hard to chew vegetables and fruits help align your teeth.  Sinking your teeth into that apple and pulling a bite off pulls those teeth and lines them up!

*keeps the Prilosec away-- We have an epidemic of giant proportions in our country. People are suffering from acid reflux, and are told by the doctor that their body is producing too much acid.  Actually, the opposite is true.  Your stomach has a "door" on the top of it.  It opens to let in food when you eat and is supposed to close.  Your stomach produces acid so that the food can be digested.  Fresh, raw fruits and vegetables aid in the digestion process, and your stomach knows this!  If it does not have enough raw enzymes to assist in digesting your food, the "door" stays open until you send some down.  If the "door" doesn't close, then the acid comes up in your throat and gives you that burning sensation.  Many who suffer with this problem would benefit greatly just by simply eating a whole apple about half an hour before eating a meal. (By the way, if you were to go to the drug companies websites and read about these types of medications, you would discover that, besides having harmful side effects, the companies state that this type of drug is not to be taken for more than 14 days.....hmmm, seems like everyone is on it permanently.)

Ad from a magazine.  Of course, a doctor will tell you otherwise!
  (This type of drug turns off some of the acid producers in the stomach, causing a worse problem where the food is not digested and therefore you receive no nutrients.)

*keeps the inhaler away-- Apples have been known to promote healthy lung function. It has been found that good lung function was associated with high intakes of vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene, citrus fruits, apples, and fruit juices. However, those who studied these facts, after they took into consideration factors such as body mass, smoking history and exercise the only food that seemed to make a significant difference was apples. It was found that eating five or more apples a week was linked to a slightly better lung function. So, keep those lungs functioning correctly by including apples in your diet!

*keeps the fat away-- Okay, now I have your undivided attention!  The skin of raw apples contains pectin, which when eaten, forms a gel in your stomach.  This gel inhibits the absorption of fats and  also helps to suppress your appetite and make you feel full! Plus, when your stomach has the proper amount of digestive enzymes, the digestion process will be more efficient, eliminating bloating and belly aches.  My kids know that the cure for a tummy ache is some raw apple! Another benefit of having good digestive processes is that the problem of bad breath is also reduced!

*keeps the yellow teeth away-- Another area that we are constantly reminded of the advertising industry is that of having beautiful, white teeth.  Apples help keep your teeth white by helping your body begin the digestive process in your mouth.  Eating an apple helps your strengthen your saliva with the enzymes in the apple.  Strong saliva washes over your teeth and helps to dissolve the plaque that can turn your teeth yellow.

*keeps away the cataracts, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, etc.-- There are so many other benefits to eating apples.  Try one today, or better yet, one with each meal.  They are sweet, and delicious, so why not incorporate them in your everyday eating routine? Apples are also antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory, and they contain lots of fiber to keep things running smoothly.  We could all benefit from at least one apple a day!
    *By the way, it was not an apple on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that Eve ate in the garden, causing her to sin!!  But perhaps, apples were what grew on the tree of life!!